What program should I choose?
How many times have you Googled powerlifting programs or coaches?
I have had at least three different coaches, not including myself. I have tried no less than six various programs, from Cube Method, 5/3/1, Juggernaut, 5th Set, and last but not least, the Conjugate Method. I used each program for at least months, except the Conjugate Method (I still use this one).
I used Google, reviewed countless books and articles, and asked experienced lifters which programs were the best ones out there. They all had different answers, and what I found was that each person had various preferences and goals. As I'm sure you know, many options are out there, and finding the best one for you may require testing out multiple programs.
Evaluate what you are looking for, what you need, and what you want. For example, are you looking for something that will allow for periodization, or do you want something that you will be able to get a benefit of both heavy lifts, repetition, and speed work?
Look for a program or a coach that can combine all of those wants and needs. Both options are good, but it would be best to find something you'll ultimately be dedicated to and consistent with to get the best results.
Consider your preferences. If you are unsure of what you want, a simple way to figure it out is to ask yourself two questions. First, do you crave variety, or do you enjoy a particular type of training that is an easy-to-follow routine? Once you figure that out, the options are much more limited and easier to choose from.
The biggest takeaway here is that you might end up enjoying one specific program, or you might find that you enjoy multiple types. While asking around is great for extending your knowledge base, there is nothing better than educating yourself and working with an experienced coach in the methods you're interested in.
Upcoming Events
January 2022 – Intermediate Strength Training Seminar: Join us for 3, 1-hour seminars focused on learning & incorporating intermediate movements into your strength routine by adding in bands, chains, and specialty bars. Cost is $10 per class. Sign up for classes at https://rhinostrengthfl.gymmasteronline.com/portal/account/bookclass/28
This is a continuation of our Intro to Strength Training seminar, but anyone is welcome. We'll also review how to properly complete the BIG 3 movements: Back Squat, Bench Press, & Deadlift. Topics Include: 01/06 @ 5:30pm - Session 1: Intermediate Squat
01/13 @ 5:30pm - Session 2: Intermediate Bench Press
01/20 @ 5:30pm - Session 3: Intermediate Deadlift
January 21, 2022, 6:30pm – Pound & Zumba Fitness Mashup: This class combines both Zumba and Pound into two 45 min classes that run back-to-back. Pound is a full-body cardio jam session it combines light resistance with constant simulated drumming. The workout fuses cardio, Pilates, strength movements, isometric and plyometric poses through continuous upper body motion using our lightly weighted exercise drumsticks called Ripstixs. On class is $10 and $15 for both. You can find out more here: https://fb.me/e/1LPRaEszG
January 22, 2022, 10am - Rhino’s Gym Jeep Ride w/Alpha Off-Road Tornado Fundraiser
Join us as we head out to Lazy Springs again to fundraise for the people affected by the tornados last weekend. We are collecting non-perishables and necessities. Everyone is welcome. If you’d like to donate, please drop it off at Rhino’s Gym or Alpha Offroad. More info: https://fb.me/e/31XD71Q6W
April 2, 2022 - Florida Man Mayhem I: Ladies and Gents, mark your calendars for a day of watching strong people lift heavy shit up! We promise it will be a great time and it’s just down the road at Laishley Park. As the time comes closer, we will also be looking for volunteers to help us out. Don’t worry, you’ll be rewarded :D
Past Events
January 8th, 2022 – Rhino’s Gym Jeep Ride w/Alpha Off-Road:
We had a great time with Alpha Offroad and Peace River Jeepers at Lazy Springs Recreation Area in Lehigh Acres, doing some off-roading and cooking out! Definitely an event you’re going to want to go to next time!
New & Noteworthy
Coaches' Corner: Episode 15 - Powerlifting Program 5/3/1
The next four weeks will be dedicated to discussing four of the most popular powerlifting program methods. This week, we started off with the 5/3/1 method, designed by Jum Wendler. This is popular for beginner powerlifters but is also an excellent method overall.